W̱SÁNEĆ School Board

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Country: Canada
Communities: W̱SÁNEĆ (Saanich) Tsartlip First Nations
Grant Awarded: 2014, 2015 & 2016
Website: wsanecschoolboard.ca

We supported “Reclaiming ȾIKEL” for the ecocultural revitalization of their ancestral place ȾIKEL, a wetland, and the traditional plant called SX̱ ELE,IȽĆ, a type of willow, along with the traditional knowledge associated with this place and plant. This project engages Elders, community leaders, youth, and restoration ecologists in restoring the health of the site and engage in traditional gathering of their culturally important plant, including applied use of their SENĆOŦEN language through school field trips and intergenerational learning processes. In 2016 this project was co-funded with the Sacred Fire Foundation.