Uywana Wasi



Wallunk’as Program

Region: Cochabamba, Bolivia, Abya Yala
Grant Awarded: 
Visit Uywana Wasi on the Web here

We support the Wallunk’as project, an initiative of the Uywana Wasi community, which integrates, complements and gives continuity to activities carried out towards cultural affirmation through the dissemination of knowledge from their careful view as women, transmitting it in public educational environments to provoke an authentic reflection around being Andean in urban contexts. Andean life is to this day influenced by factors of diverse colonizations; however, it continues to manifest itself in multiple ways. It is necessary to dismantle stereotypes, de-specialize communication, using media and creating a space for cultural dissemination. Uywana Wasi reinvents themselves as community of women, of “polleras-cholas” (synonymous with their roots) within a culture that is not static that goes through constant natural processes of recreation.

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