Onaman Collective

Onoman Collective - map.png


Nimkii Aazhibikong
Village of Thunder Mountain

Community: Anishinaabe of Elliot Lake Ontario
Region: Canada
Grants awarded: 2018, 2019

Visit the Onoman Collective Website here

We support Nimkii Aazhibikong (Village of Thunder Mountain), a year-round Ojibway Art, Culture and Language Revitalization Camp built by a community of youth, Elders and organizers located north of Elliot Lake, Ontario within traditional Anishinaabeg territory. The camp is an Ojibway language revitalization camp for youth that is working towards producing the next generation of fluent speakers on the land. Guided by elders, it is also a camp for cultural resurgence of sustainable Indigenous practices and restoration of traditional Indigenous land and resource protection and management.